Our mobile APP project
Master Spot Volley
Soon a geolocation app for volleyball spots!
New experience for volleyball players
A streamlined application with a modern and attractive design.
A user-friendly interface for quick and easy use.
Application downloadable on all stores or with a browser from the web app.
Geolocation, artificial intelligence and gamification are at the heart of this version.
Receive personalized notifications according to your preferences.
A multilingual version to be connected with the whole volleyball world.
Provide the community and enthusiasts with a state-of-the-art platform
Be present on all platforms
The new generation of Master Spot Volley will be available on all platforms and terminals, worldwide, thanks to its multilingual version.
Son système de géolocalisation vous permettra de trouver vos Spots facilement et rapidement. Ses notifications push vous alertent en temps réel en fonction de vos préférences et de l’activité qui vous entoure.
Our philosophy
Enable enthusiasts to find everything related to volleyball in one place!
Master Spot Volley, partage l’esprit volley !
Our goal
Making our functional platform but prototype a simplified latest generation version.
Master Spot Volley offers today many advantages and many possibilities to all those involved in volleyball (players, clubs, professionals, etc.).
You will find spotlights (ephemeral, permanent), tournaments, eventsteammates, forums, professionals, the game,... In short, everything related to the volley-ballin all its forms.
Open to all, the MSV platform allows you to easily find the various practice locations or points of interest according to your geolocation or a place of your choice.
Find a space for interaction for facilitate nomadic practice your sport with different people who have the same expectations as you: your friends, your volleyball tribe or simply strangers who share the same desire to play.
Use MSV to passing on your passion and develop it. Share your skills with the younger generation while respecting the values of volleyball and sport in general.
Master Spot Volley allows you to create your spot and/or event and share the volleyball spirit by bringing your community to life.
For clubs (small or large), it is the ideal solution. It allows you to communicate easily with your members, to stay in touch with their families, to publish your tournaments, events, photos, media,... But also to present your club with your image, to the interested public (potential players, students, newcomers in the region,...), who do not know it and thus generate new requests for licences.
You are offered the possibility to create other spots, in order to manage your different game sections in a public, private or secret way.
Master Spot Volley also allows professionals working in the world of volleyball: health professionals (osteopaths, physiotherapists, sports doctors, dieticians, sports coaches, etc.), private companies (vendors, retailers, etc.), professionals and freelancers (bloggers, etc.) to have a presence on the web through the platform.
Promote your products and/or services! Nothing could be easier, register on MSV!
The final goal is to make it a ultra-functional and easy application pour smartphone.
Where are we in MSV Volley 3.0?
Status of implementation
Depuis le lancement initiale de l’idée Master Spot Volley jusqu’à aujourd’hui nous n’avons pas arrêté de faire évoluer notre concept, l’affiner dans le but d’améliorer l’idée départ.
Project initiated in complete voluntary work, we now wish to enter another dimension and propose a last generation platform and define Master Spot Volley as an actor of the Volleyball market.
The first idea
All alone on the Plage des Chalets - Gruissan
The first project - My volley Side
The very first version based on Symfony 2
Action on the Spot Ephémère Artenay
Une dizaine d'enfants du local jeune d'Artenay découvre le Green Volley
Creation of the MSV Beta 0.9 platform
Setting up the various practical elements
Intégration de 1500 Spots sur MSV Beta 0.9
Of all types: permanent, ephemeral, clubs, shops, ...
We have 500 users on the Beta
Merci à eux de nous avoir rejoint.
Création du site vitrine
Présentation du concept. Vente et location de matériel. Création et organisation d'événements.
Création SAS Master Spot Volley
La SAS Master Spot Volley est née ...
Help us develop MSV Volley 3.0
Several solutions are available to help us develop the volleyball spirit, discover them!